Choosing Your First Sex Toy
There are a few things you may want to ask yourself before you buy your very first sex toy. For starters, you need to determine if you prefer vaginal penetration or clitoral stimulation. Being…

G-spot Stimulation Instructional Video
This is a wonderful video on how to stimulate the g-spot I have been referring people to for years. You can find clips of the video on various sites but this link has the full 30 plus minute instructional video. Warning, although this is an instructional video, the clip is housed on a porn site and is graphic in nature! It is certainly NOT suitable for work!

Hitachi Magic Wand vs. Wahl Massager + Vibrator Giveaway!
Watch my video to find out which massager I like better and why. And don’t forget to enter to win a Wahl Electric Massager of your very own! Use the widget down…

We’re Teaching Sex Ed Classes at Taboo Tabou!
I’m happy to announce two of Chicago’s most informative and notorious sex educators are teaching a monthly adult sex-ed series at Taboo Tabou in Chicago! Of course, that’s me and partner, Ken Melvoin-Berg!
ZAP! Electric Play is…

My Perfect Vagina is 8 Miles Wide
[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/4704237 [/vimeo]
I was recently asked to articulate my opinion on cosmetic vaginal surgery, mainly labiaplasty.
I promptly re-watched the film linked above, The Perfect Vagina by Heather Leach…

We’re Teaching an Electrosex Class in LA!
I’m making my way to L.A.once again to help out partner, Ken Melvoin-Berg, teach ZAP! Electric Toy Play on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 at Stockroom University!
Ken and I are both electricity nuts! From violet wands, to neon wands,…

Put it Between My Breasts: My Mother’s Day Story
When I was about 7 years old I accidentally heard my mother having sex. I stayed quiet as not to be discovered but had to keep listening out of sheer curiosity. At one point I heard her say in a whispery, trying-too-hard, bedroom voice “put it . . . between my . . . breaasssttts!”

Off to Play in Sunny LA!
Exciting news! Ken Melvoin-Berg and I have a jam packed weekend head of us. We’re going to sunny L.A.! What are we going to be doing there, you ask? Lots of sexy stuff!
On Saturday April 9th , Ken and I are teaching a…

Stand Up – To Homophobic Bullying
This PSA from Stand up! is of the best anti-bullying videos I've seen. It made me cry, damn it!
Really, everyone NEEDS to see this. Show your friends, show your kids. We need this happening in every school.

My Penis and Everyone Else’s
I love Lawrence Barraclough and I don’t care if he has a teeny weenie peener. Besides, size doesn’t matter. Well, yes it does. Well . . . no, it doesn’t really. Okay, maybe a little bit. No? What’s the right answer!?

This one time, at Chess Club . . . I put a Bishop in my #@$$&!
A vibrating chess set? Check Mate!
This is awesome. This is just another reason I need to be rich (did you see the $10k price tag?!). Offered exclusively by high end naughty shop, Kiki de Montparnasse, each piece is made of medical grade…

Direct Assistance for People in Sendai, Japan
I’m breaking from my usual format to ask for your help.
By now you’ve all heard about the horrors the people Japan are facing in the wake of the recent earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear scare. Thousands have been left homeless and…

HPV Panic Commencing in 3. . .2. . .1
Most folks I know in my age group or younger are adamant about safe sex. We pride ourselves on the precautions we take for sexual safety. Those of us 40 and under grew up during the dawning of HIV/AIDS. We know how important condoms…

All I Know About the G-Spot I Learned From My Fucksaw
It seems fitting my first sexy product review be on The Stockroom’s Fuck Saw. Little did I know the awesome Christmas gift Ken bought me would become THE fucksaw heard around the world.
Back before my fucksaw was thrust into the spotlight…

Northwestern Fucksaw: Has The New Sexual Revolution Just Begun?
I continue to be bombarded with countless untruths about what occurred during our lecture on February 21st, 2011 at Northwestern University. It has turned into a global game of telephone. The story has become so distorted and plucked…

Jim Marcus Responds to Sun-Times re: Northwestern Fucksawgate
Neil Steinberg, of the Chicago Sun-Times published an editorial regarding Northwestern University Fucksawgate last night. Jim Marcus e-mailed the response below to Neil but is unsure if it will be published in its entirety. There’s a…

Fucksaw at Northwestern University: The REAL Story
I was one of the four guest lecturers at Northwestern University-- Ken Melvoin-Berg, Faith Kroll, Jim Marcus and myself. In fact, that infamous fucksaw belongs to me. I have been too crazy with media interviews, real life duties and…

Better Handjobs With a Petting Ring?
I think I need a petting ring.
Am I being stupid?
I was first exposed to petting rings exactly 24 hours ago. Upon first laying my eyes on one, I thought:
1. That’s dumb.
2. How do you text, drive or wipe yourself with…

I Want an Electric Blue, Rainbow Vagina
So, did they mean this to be funny? Or are they expecting me to put on my Birkenstocks, stop shaving my armpits and tell everyone how beautiful and empowering this is? Because as much as I love to celebrate the beauty of female genitalia,…

The Essential Cthulhu Roundup
I happen to be in love with a lover of all things Cthulhu. This past Christmas I scoured the ends of the earth and the deep depths of the sea for the best Cthulhu merchandise I could get my hands on. Here are some of the treasures I found:

Former Pumpkins Bassist, D’arcy Wretzky, Jailed
TMZ reported today former Smashing Pumpkins bassist, D'arcy Wretzky, was arrested in Michigan.
Take a good look at the mug-shot. I know what you’re thinking: “OMG! Darcy, honey! What happened!? Are those little meth sores on…

Sex, Love and Food are Closely Tied
According to an article published this afternoon on Psychology Today, there is a very close relationship between love, sex and food. A few things crossed my mind while reading this article:
A. Ah-ha! This is why my partner and I have…

Margaret Cho: My Puss
Oh Margaret, I love you. Can I have your babies?
My puss, churns out cute Cho babies
Your puss, foaming with rabies
My puss, digs Mar-gar-et
Your puss, will get put down at the vet
Alright, I’ll stop.

Best. It Gets Better Video. Ever.
Comedian and improv performer Rebecca Drysdale hit a home run with her video for Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project.
Best. ‘It Gets Better’ video. Ever.
If you are a parent to a teen, you should have your child watch this. …
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