Best. It Gets Better Video. Ever.
Comedian and improv performer Rebecca Drysdale hit a home run with her video for Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project.
Best. ‘It Gets Better’ video. Ever.
If you are a parent to a teen, you should have your child watch this. Think the language is too harsh for a 14, 15 or 16 year old? Get the stick out of your ass.
Spend a little quality time with your kids. On their terms.
hey! i know becky. this is great. i’m sure she’d be happy you linked to it.
You do? Awesome! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video, she did a superb job! And say ‘hi’ to Becky for me ;)
Also, you’re the very first commenter on my blog. I wish I could make balloons fall from your ceiling or something. Thanks!