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My Penis and Everyone Else’s

Lawrence Barraclough My Penis and Everyone Elses

I love Lawrence Barraclough and I don’t care if he has a teeny weenie peener.  Besides, size doesn’t matter.  Well, yes it does.  Well . . . no, it doesn’t really.  Okay, maybe a little bit.  No?  What’s the right answer!?

This is a must see documentary for men and women alike.  In My Penis and Everyone Else’s, Barraclough makes some humorous attempts to get men to open up about their penises.  Why won’t guys talk about them and why is everyone so obsessed with their size?

It’s refreshing to see women aren’t the only ones with body image issues.  And, just as is the case with most unnecessarily taboo topics, the answer to becoming comfortable with ourselves lies in talking openly and honestly about realistic sexual/body image issues.   We need to take our visuals from photos of real people, rather than the abnormally perfect, unrealistic bodies of porn stars.  Until we start doing this, we will never change stereotypes and accept that our variety of differences are, in fact, very normal.

Watch the documentary free here on Vimeo:

[vimeo width=”500″ height=”400″]http://vimeo.com/11094452[/vimeo]


If you liked My Penis and Everyone Else’s, watch Lawrence Barraclough’s first film, 2005’s My Penis and I:

[vimeo width=”500″ height=”400″]http://vimeo.com/4619491[/vimeo]




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