Tantric Sex: How to Give Your Partner an Hour Long Orgasm
A passionate sex life keeps us happy, healthy and connected to a partner. However, for many, satisfaction in the bedroom doesn’t come naturally. Many people struggle to achieve orgasm due to negative sexual emotions, low self-confidence, premature…
Anal Gaping for the Masses
In the extremely under researched world of bizarre anal acts, gaping is one of the least understood. Learn about it first hand from XXX star Casey Calvert plus get 8 essential steps to achieving anal gape.
“Down on your knees! Now, how may I serve you, bitch?” or Inverse Power Exchange for Beginners
There is no one true way to fulfill a role. Don’t let anyone police what or who you are. Like a $20 dollar bill that is folded in half, then wrinkled up and stuffed in a pocket, you still have the same value as you always did, yet you change shape over time. Even though it’s fun to figure out what you are called or identify with, ditch the labels and the meaning behind them and carve out YOUR way to be a top (or a sub).
Life skills to get you laid: How to make an Aphrodisiac 7 Course Meal
Ken Melvoin-Berg and Danny "Delicious" Kelson team up to create a mouth watering (and other parts watering) aphrodisiac meal. Get all the recipes and dinner guest reviews.
What what? Math in my butt!
Of all the geeky sex facts I have encountered, this one is by far my favorite: If you haven’t had anal play in a while (a month or longer), you can use the Fibonacci sequence of numbers to approximate the circumference of what can now comfortably fit in your butt.
15 Easy, Simple, Quick Tactics to Increase Playtime in Your Relationship
We would probably all differ a little in our answer to the question “What is a relationship for” but one thing we can probably all agree on is the idea that it needs to be fun. Fun is what happens between you and your partner when you put aside the problems in your life, in your world, maybe in your relationship itself, and “throw the old pigskin around” figuratively.
Learning My Own Sex Tips
I love reading sex tips. There seems to be a chapter dedicated to great sex in every newsstand woman’s magazine. Sometimes however, I wonder if the authors have tried the suggestions they’ve written as most tend to lack originality and inspiration.
Sex & Mormonism: Homosexuality, BDSM, Magic Underpants & More
Whenever I hear about someone that is personally conservative or belongs to an orthodox sex negative religion, I want to know if they get freaky behind closed doors.
Do Mormons have sex on their periods? Do they give oral or anal sex? Do they practice BDSM and spank each other when nobody is looking? Do they do it with the lights on while choking their beloved and screwing up against a wall?
Inflating the Anal Hype – Truth or Bust?
Inflatable anal toys are one of those mysterious adult products associated with fetishism and considered too “hardcore” for many people. In my experience more people will reach for a large butt plug over and expandable one. Are back-door inflatables really worth the hype or is this a novelty you should leave on the shelf? I personally think they are a wonderful invention worth consideration. This is why:
Why Men Don’t Always Want Sex
This is a touchy subject, but I don’t feel like having sex all the time anymore. Surprise! I’m getting older. Soon I will be 44 years of age. I am into alternate sexual practices; I’m in an open relationship, BDSM, and have multiple sexual partners. I should always be in the mood, right? Wrong!
Ode to Butches
I love everything about butch women, and I always have. More feminine girls just don't do anything for me sexually- I can objectively admire their beauty and sexiness, but in the end, it's when I see a woman who is androgynous, boyish, or plain out manly, my heart starts to pitter-patter. So let me sing an ode to butches here, because ...
10 Sex Toys You’ve Probably Never Heard of But Should Own
As a sex educator, S&M dungeon owner (The Studio) and pleasure advocate involved in the BDSM lifestyle, I’ve had the pleasure of trying all sorts of interesting sex toys many folks don’t ever see. I’m also fortunate to be one of the people that tests, reviews and writes about new products as they come out.
Get Lusty Podcast: Chicago Based Sexuality Educator Sunny Megatron
Huge thanks to Get Lusty for interviewing me! Below is a re-print of the original article/podcast published on GetLusty.com. Also, if you haven't checked out Get Lusty, get started! They post a bunch of sex positive, awesome articles every…
Learning from Kink: Polyamory and Swinging – My Visit with The Kinky Diva
This is part two of What Kink Can Teach Us. The "alternative" community we will be focusing on this week is polyamory and swingers. I must admit. I am completely monogamous and look for/require [...]
Why I Don’t Try To Prevent HIV (and don’t think you should either)
This was written by Wintersong and previously appeared on BarkingShaman.com. It specifically applies to safety issues around play that involves blood product, such as play-piercing and cutting play. Although this writing specifically applies…
Why You Should Invest in Luxury Sex Toys
When I first started buying sex toys, I would usually go the cheap route and get whatever looked the most tempting for under $30. I was in college, so you couldn't blame me, but of course, these toys didn't last long. They'd break in half…
Work It! Sunny Megatron: Sex Educator, Weird Tour Guide, Kinky Blogger!
What do you do, in your own words, and how long have you been doing it?
I do a whole bunch of odd and interesting things. Strangely, all of my work centers around two of life’s most intriguing, misunderstood and mysterious taboos: sex and death.
Rules, Roleplays & Rituals: How to Bring Kink into Your Bedroom
Whenever I talk to people who have little to no experience in bondage, domination, sadism, submission, masochism, or the like, I ask them to imagine for me a couple. They are named Chris and Alex. First of all,
7 Fundamental Characteristics of A Daddy Dominant
Just what is a Daddy Dom? Well, to start with, a Daddy Dom is first and foremost a Dom. He chooses the subcategory of “Daddy” within the lifestyle of dominance and submission (D/s). Let’s get one thing out of the way right at the beginning. A Daddy Dom does not
“A Guide to Emotional Independence” or “How I learned to Stop Worrying & Not Give a Fuck What Other People Think”
Here’s a quick guide to being secure with who you are, being comfortable with your own feelings, and being able to maintain emotional independence without feeling stifled by other people’s responses…
Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: 30 Days of Polyamory
Over the next month or so I’ll be focusing on subjects relating to non-monogamy. I’ll answer many questions for you— from defining lexicon (what’s Poly vs. Open Relationship vs. Mono/Poly, etc) to walking you through the how-to’s…
I Don’t Like You Much, Christian Grey
A few days ago, one of the local radio news stations interviewed us for their “50 shades of Grey” series. I was interested in talking about the book. One way or the other it’s an important book right now. It’s on paper, it’s got a cardboard cover, it’s written with an incessant and continual internal dialogue that makes you want to stick needles in your face, it’s on the bestseller list.
10 Things to Read After 50 Shades of Grey
Maybe you really enjoyed 50 Shades and you want to know what you could read next. Here are some options. All of these are written to subjectify the female player- to give her life and let her fantasy really guide the book. Even if she is the submissive- the object of affection and intrigue, use and abuse, she is the window through which the story is told.