BDSM for Beginners Video Series
This four part BDSM 101 video series is designed to get you up to speed on kink/BDSM so you can start constructing your first scene. We cover:
- BDSM defined (good chance it’s not exactly what you’ve been lead to believe by the media!)
- How to figure out what kinky activities you like
- Why do people like BDSM?
- Determining kinky roles
- How to role play without feeling silly
- How to talk to your partner about BDSM
- Safe words and consent
- Constructing a BDSM scene
- And more!
Couple this video series with my other BDSM how-to videos and my BDSM yes/no/maybe list to help build your solid kink foundation.
One important thing– don’t stop with just me! Learn, learn, and learn some more from lots of different sources! One place I recommend starting is with this classic “BDSM Bible,” Screw the Roses, Send me the Thorns another is the subscription BDSM video learning website, Kink Academy.
Please let me know in the comments other great BDSM resources you’ve found. Enjoy!