
A No B.S. Approach to Kink – Online BDSM Class
Mark your calendars for Wednesday 8/30! Join me for my virtual BDSM class, A No B.S. Approach to Kink hosted by Bloom🤗
❓What’s covered? Here’s the BDSM class description:
Curious about kink? Or perhaps you’re an experienced…

Kink Education Freestyle Part 2 w/Sunny Megatron – Ep 180
On episode 180 of American Sex Podcast, Host & Kink Educator Sunny Megatron Is back for a second installment of free-style BDSM education. She gives helpful tips and busts myths that are commonly spread within the kink community. Topics…

Kink Education & Social Media w/Safiya Darling – Ep 145 American Sex Podcast
The most popular place to learn about kink is the internet. Social media platforms have become a wealth of BDSM information for newbies and beginners alike. While websites and pop culture have made kink more acceptable and accessible, they are also allowing potentially dangerous misinformation to spread like wildfire. On ep 145 Safiya Darling talks about the plusses and pitfalls of learning about kink in the digital age. We discuss edgeplay activities like knife play & erotic choking, how to properly vet partners and educators, ways to be sure you’re getting a well-rounded kink education & more.

Barak & Sheba: Adventures in Sexuality – Ep 29 American Sex Podcast

BDSM for Beginners Video Series
This four part BDSM 101 video series is designed to get you up to speed on kink/BDSM so you can start constructing your first scene. We cover:
BDSM defined (good chance it's not exactly what you've been lead to believe by the media!)

Sex Blogging Superheroes of 2015 – Please Vote!
You so graciously included me among this wonderful group of sex superheroes in 2013 and 2014. I'd love to make it a three-peat! Voting is easy. One click is all it takes, no registration or pain-in-the-butt things required.

50 Shades Of Grey Library Book Club a Success!
Last night I hosted a 50 Shades of Grey Book Club at the Elmwood Park Public Library. I’ve hosted other 50 Shades book clubs but this was my first at a public library.
What a wonderful turn-out! This was the largest book club audience…

Work It! Sunny Megatron: Sex Educator, Weird Tour Guide, Kinky Blogger!
What do you do, in your own words, and how long have you been doing it?
I do a whole bunch of odd and interesting things. Strangely, all of my work centers around two of life’s most intriguing, misunderstood and mysterious taboos: sex and death.