There’s ANOTHER American Sex Podcast– WHAT?!?!
What’s the deal?
We wanted to make you aware for a few of reasons:
- So you can be sure you’re referring folks to the right podcast. When you’re recommending us to others please give this a mention so you can be sure your friends are finding the original American Sex Podcast. The easiest thing is to give them our direct web address,, and give them a heads up about the potential for mixup.
- So you can be sure you are tagging an interacting with the right social media accounts. A number of people have been approaching with comments like, “wait, you mean that Instagram account that followed me ISN’T your podcast!?” Nope. Unless you see our names and our distinct yellow logo– it’s not.
- This is especially important if you’re a new listener or prospective guest. If you stumbled across us and were surprised because the podcast wasn’t what you were expecting, you may have listened to the other one unknowingly. We want to make sure you listen to the right podcast before you decide we suck, haha! We’ve also had some prospective guests ask if we were affiliated with them (nope– not in any way, shape, or form).
How can you be sure the American Sex podcast you’re interacting with is us?
Look for our distinct yellow logo and our names, Sunny Megatron & Ken Melvoin-Berg, associated with it. If the logo is black, white & pink plus has silhouettes of faces on it, that’s the other podcast.
Know our social media handles & web addresses:
- If you’re talking about our podcast, looking for it, linking to it, etc– it’s American Sex podcast (our podcast RSS feed is “American Sex” and we’ve added the word “podcast” in iTunes, on the web, and when referring to ourselves in general for SEO/clarity purposes).
- Website:
- Instagram: @AmericanSexPodcast
- Twitter: @AmericanSexPod (because character limits didn’t allow us enough room to spell out podcast when we established it in 2017)
- Facebook: @AmericanSexPodcast
- Email: [email protected]
- Patreon: AmericanSex

Wait. But how do I know FOR SURE I have the right American Sex Podcast?!
I don’t want to list all of their web addresses too but this is of note: The only place we go by “AmericanSexPod” is Twitter (because Twitter wouldn’t allow us to spell out the word ‘podcast’ in our username). The other podcast uses our twitter username on Instagram, as their URL, email address, podcast players, etc. which is incredibly confusing.
Also, for the record: we have absolutely no affiliation with nor offer any endorsement of the other podcast.
Arrgh, what a headache, right? Thanks, all, for listening to our homegrown little podcast every week and for supporting us. If you’re reading this you’re among our biggest fans and do such a great job of spreading the word about the show. We wanted to make sure to let you know what was going on with this so you can help us amplify this message and eliminate confusion. It’s hard enough to grow a podcast audience–and since this is one of the ways we make our living, consistent, continual growth is imperative. It’s also difficult enough just trying to make a living as sexuality educators in general–and this is making it even more challenging.
Thanks again! We <3 you!
Sunny & Ken, xo
p.s. if you’re from that other podcast and reading this– can you please perhaps add your host’s name to your title? “American Sex Podcast with <Insert Hosts Name>” would do so much to eliminate confusion. We mean no ill will but using the same name with no differentiation is really confusing listeners and diminishing the SEO (and ultimately the income) we’ve worked hard to build. It’s confusing your listeners as well.
UPDATE 10/22/2018:
It looks like the same name thing is messing us up on podcast players as well. Subscribers on TuneIn started messaging me stating that the other podcasts episodes were in our feed. Turns out they are using the same show slug in their RSS feed as us (American Sex) which is confusing podcast players on the tech side.
These pics show how our podcast page on TuneIn looked on 10/17/2018 (it’s at web address if you’re viewing in a browser). This was brought to our attention on 10/17/2018 but listeners are telling us they noticed something was wonky as far back as 10/1/18. This listing still has our podcast description but has superimposed their logo and their episodes! Luckily I was able to contact TuneIn and they cleared it up within a day.
I am, however, learning people are having issues finding us on other podcast players like Google Podcasts (which is a big one!) and PocketCasts. If you search ‘American Sex’ NEITHER of our podcasts show up. But if you search author name (i.e. Sunny Megatron) they pop up then. So if you’re looking for us and can’t find us, try searching my name instead.
Listeners, if you notice anything strange with our podcast feed in the podcast player to listen to, can you please screenshot it and send us a message? This is such a mess. You’d think the other podcast would want to clear this up because people can’t search their show either and it’s causing them to lose listeners as well. It boggles me why they’d want this to continue! Listeners, please send me screenshots if you see us messed up in feeds or even a message to let us know we’re not showing up in searches on other players. Lastly, we’d really appreciate it if you’d share this information with others. The more folks that know about this, the more likely (and faster) the other podcast will take action. Thanks!
I just discovered your podcast and I love it! Keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!