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We Were on Sex Nerd Sandra Talking CLOWN SEX!

Well, we weren't ON Sandra but we were guests on her podcast!  This episode was all about clown fetish.  Oh, you didn't know about the clown thing Ken & I have?  Here's a clown sex primer I wrote, Diary of a Sex Clown: Life Lessons…
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Diary of a Sex Clown: Life Lessons from a Clown Fetishist

Upon meeting a prospective partner in a coffee shop or at the corner bar, they often become “Coffee Shop Hottie” or “Corner Bar Dude” in casual conversation amongst friends. When I first met the love of my life, my best friend and I secretly referred to him as “The Sex Clown.”

Better Handjobs With a Petting Ring?

  I think I need a petting ring. Am I being stupid? I was first exposed to petting rings exactly 24 hours ago. Upon first laying my eyes on one, I thought: 1. That’s dumb. 2. How do you text, drive or wipe yourself with…