Rebirth & Reckoning in Isolation w/ Amy Jo Goddard- Ep 128 American Sex Podcast

On episode 128 of American Sex Podcast, we speak with Amy Jo Goddard about the challenges we’re facing during isolation. Quarantine is pressing us to reevaluate our biggest life decisions– where we live, our careers, our relationships. Although we have some commonalities, many of us are having vastly different experiences. It seems as if we’re either on the verge of breakdown or unexpectedly thriving. A collective identity crisis is also rocking the foundation of our culture and hitting close to home for those that have lost jobs or had their lives significantly altered. We discuss how these shifts impact our quest for intimacy, our need to expose our vulnerability, our desire for sex, and the nurturing our relationships need.

Amy Jo Goddard Bio

Hailing from Military Dad and Recovering-Catholic-Proudly-Sandra-Dee-Mom, Amy Jo Goddard had no other choice but to become a sex educator just to sail the shaky waters of human experience and help her family survive. Actually they don’t really take sex advice from her.

But thousands of others have—She is author of Woman on Fire: Nine Elements to Wake up Your Erotic Energy, Personal Power and Sexual Intelligence and co-author of the best-selling classic Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men. Amy Jo earned her Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education at New York University and studied film at New School University. She has been teaching and speaking about feminism and sexuality for over two decades. She delivered her TEDx talk “Owning Your Sexual Power” in Napa Valley, was named one of GO! Magazine’s “100 Women We Love” and one of Kinkly’s “100 Sex Blogging Superheroes.”  Her forthcoming film At Your Cervix, examines patient consent and bodily autonomy in gynecology and medical education, aiming to end unethical practices that harm both patients and medical students. Her Fire Woman Retreat is an annual sexual empowerment event with powerhouse teachers for women and non-binary folks and she teaches several on-going sexual empowerment programs for adults.


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