& Sci-Fi Erotica w/ Cecilia Tan – Ep 129 American Sex Podcast

On episode 129 of American Sex Podcast, Cecilia Tan tells us about an infamous post-geek-convention play party organized through the first online BDSM community, in 1991. We explore how this budding virtual leather community went on to shape sex & kink positive culture and how other contributions of Gen X set the tone for the world we live in now. Cecilia also spills the tea on the history of tea and its curious relationship with gender plus she tells us how she single-handedly created the now popular Sci-Fi Erotica genre.

Cecilia Tan Bio

According to Susie Bright, Cecilia Tan is “simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature.” For over 25 years she has been writing erotic fiction and promoting BDSM community activism. RT Magazine awarded her Career Achievement in Erotic Romance in 2015 and their prestigious Pioneer Award. She also has a stack of leather and BDSM community awards, including the Pantheon of Leather President’s Award, the NLA: International Lifetime Achievement Award and the NLA Woman of the Year.

Not only is she the founder of Circlet Press, publishers of erotic science fiction and fantasy, she is the author of many books, including the ground-breaking erotic short story collections Black Feathers (HarperCollins) and White Flames (Running Press), the erotic BDSM romance series Secrets of a Rockstar and the Struck by Lightning series, The Prince’s Boy and the Magic University series. Her short stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Nerve, Best American Erotica, Asimov’s Science Fiction, and tons of other places.

She lives in the Boston area with her lifelong partner corwin and two cats. Find out more at or sign up to receive her personal newsletter via email. 



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