
sunny megatron intro to BDSM
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BDSM for Beginners in 5 Simple Steps

How can you be sure you don’t hurt each other or overstep boundaries? What’s the best way bring each other’s fantasies to life? What do you try first? The unknowns can be overwhelming. If you take it step by step, however, you can easily figure out if BDSM is right for you and determine what flavor you prefer.
sunny megatron intro to BDSM
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Trading Power for Pleasure? Popular Blogs Giving Horrible Advice to Kink Curious Women

Everyone’s jumping on the BSDM/50 Shades bandwagon. Every other internet news source claims to have the secret to creating the perfect 50 Shades experience but few provide accuracy or substance.  CaféMom/The Stir’s “Women Who Want…