
Authentic Kink & BDSM Community, Mollena Williams-Haas – Ep 204 Pt. 2
How do you live your authentic kink life when your needs don't match up with the BDSM community status quo? In part 1 Mollena Williams-Haas told us how returning to the leather community after parting ways sparked an unexpected journey of healing…

Safe Words, Consent & Customizing Your Kink – American Sex Podcast Ep 193
Safe words aren't as complicated as we make them out to be. They aren’t necessarily as simple as we think either. In kink & sex, safe words are simple communication tools that stop the action & trigger a predetermined protocol. What…

Rethinking Kink with Kate Loree & Sunny Megatron – Ep 184 American Sex Podcast
Why do masochists like suffering? What happens to the body & mind during the altered states of consciousness subspace & topspace? How do people use kink to be more grounded, regulate the nervous system, explore intense emotional states with minimal risk, and more? There’s a lot more to BDSM than ropes, paddles, and floggers! On ep 184 of American Sex Podcast, Sunny Megatron & therapist, Kate Loree explore the psychology & strategy behind custom building BDSM experiences.